2nd Semester APFT/IOCT dates

2nd Semester APFT/IOCT dates
2nd Semester APFT/IOCT dates

6 Week APFT Prep Plan

6 Week APFT Prep Plan
6 Week APFT Prep Plan

25 January 2011

5 Week APFT Plan- if you take it seriously it will work!

1.      The DevilFit program will be as follows:

a.       Week of 1/24- 1/30
                                                              i.      Required mileage- 5 Miles
                                                            ii.      Required pushup and sit up workouts – 2 each
1.      :15 s , :30 s, 1:00
a.       1:00 rest between sets 

b.      Week of 1/31- 2/6
                                                              i.      Required mileage- 5 Miles
                                                            ii.      Required pushup and sit up workouts – 2 each
1.      :15 s , :45 s, 1:00
a.       1:00 rest between sets 

c.       Week of 2/7- 2/13
                                                              i.      Required mileage- 6 Miles
                                                            ii.      Required pushup and sit up workouts – 3 each
1.      :30 s , :45 s, 1:30
a.       1:30 rest between sets 

d.      Week of 2/14- 2/20
                                                              i.      Required mileage- 6 Miles
                                                            ii.      Required pushup and sit up workouts – 3 each
1.      :30 s , :45 s, 1:30
a.       1:30 rest between sets 

e.       Week of 2/21- 2/27
                                                              i.      Required mileage- 7 Miles
                                                            ii.      Required pushup and sit up workouts – 3 each
1.      :30 s , :45 s, 1:45
a.       2:00 rest between sets 

07 January 2011

04 January 2011

Height and Weight

If you are a cow or firstie and you missed it this morning, come tomorrow morning with the plebes and yearlings

03 January 2011

Height and Weight


A reminder- height and weight goes tomorrow and Wednesday morning in SFC Oakley's office.  Uniform is PTs wearing shower shoes.

Cows and Firsties tomorrow morning.  Cows at 530 Firsties at 545.

Plebes and Yuks Wednesday Morning Plebes 530 Yuks 545.

Welcome back!

Welcome back D3!

P90X Ab workout- great for all skill levels